Doing business in this time and without the help of information technology is like next to impossible. I read so much about just in time (JIT), TQM, ERP, GPS, RFID etc..actually a long list to mention here. Every dreaming big companies are setting their operation on high -end technology. But are we moving away from the classic human touch!!! I am quite skeptical about it. I read an article on Sam Walton( founder of WAL-MART) during a case discussion in my class. There it was mentioned that he never went for technological help to make his business decision. He said"a computer or machine can only tell how much you have sold, but it won't be able to say how much you could have sold". It make sense to me actually. A computer will not be able to predict the unexplored potential of any business, it's the human touch intuition,gut feelings that can drive. Being in business, its not necessary to have great policies, being human is a great thing. Go where your customer are and respond to them. that is where you can have the big advantage over big guys. Creating a healthy atmosphere at work place and caring for your employees can propel your business like anything. Rocket science is not needed to handle the man power, few simple loving words and gestures can create a great company.