Advertisement is a mass communication tool to build brand preference and awareness among consumer.In a competitive world every company tries to educate people about the need and solution of the need,isn't it..So advertisement has gained a strong position in marketing strategy.Marketers employ both science and art to develop message strategy(what the Ad tries to say) and its creative strategy(how the Ad expresses the brand's claim).We indian viewers always prefer Ad which portrays emotions,social belongingness and finally humour.We all love fevicol Ads.Why? The answer is very simple ,it is funny.The brand has positioned itself in a unique way that when ever we think of adhesive -Fevicol comes into mind.We can term it as share of mind also.Many would point their trend pointing fingers at the use of humour in Indian advertisings as being something trendy.Many would talk of irreverent advertising that pokes fun at consumers and marketers alike.But i feel the trend is changing in context of Indian advertising scenario.
Previously we were used to see the single Ad for number of times between a movie or cricket match.Remember the Sehwag and his Mom's Ad of Reliance "Karlo duniya mutthi mein" and so many.How boring!Not anymore ,though look at the series of advertising creatives that telecom service providers are playing around in India today.Consider Airtel's R. Madhavan -Vidya Balan series of Ads.They convey the same message in a episode like manner.They simply change the background of discussion or place and pinch in their message.So everytime the viewer is able to see something new and fresh and the level of interest keep on building.Look at the Idea Telecom Ad series starring Abhisek Bachhan.Nice sets of creatives.Each one carrying the themes forward with a storyline( sometimes to bring equality among natives of a village and sometimes emphasizing on one school,unlimited admissions).Vodafone is a step ahead of them.It creates variety of themes to make people aware of its different service types like customer care,music,astrology and sports.
Very little boredom,a lot of creative -acting,fine tuned niceties that make you watch these advertisements again and again.Now I feel you will be able to catch the minute but impactful metamorphosis of Advertisemnt in Indian Ad industry.In my opinion it is a very naive trend.Expect a lots more to jump in.
This is nice to start the marketing strategy with advirtisement. But it doesn't only influence the consumers.there are several areas on which marketing strategy depends on. Please find all these areas which will give better in put for us.
Thank you!
stalin nice post ....one more thing to add on to this is the Advertising agencies ....they basically act as a mediators ,,with their creative ideas the make the ad so impressive that people can relate themselves in that ad......u should have also focussed on specific ads like when coke comes out with an ad the nest day pepsi makes a similar ad..........rest everything was perfect and informative
good job//
nice collection of ideas..........
keep it up.......
advertising is differrent for different product depending abt its need.......
like in telecom sector importance of talking can be romantically shown , can be shown as border less,can b shown as means to talk b/w father & son & many more.
which ever suits d current trend they fix it in ads.........
keep writing i wil always b there to comment...
vishal singh
alliance b school
very well written!
You write very well budy!
ya right there has been a revolutonary change in ads now a days.amuls ad is very interesting n successful which is reflected in terms of its market share...
wel written i will be there 4 comments
very well written...
to add on, u can add the informational and transformational appeals by these ads.
Thanks u.
Really nice......good initiative...have a lot to learn from this.
keep on....
hey dude...
nice written....
bt i wanna to add smthing to it....
firstly as more than 40%(i think it may be more nt sure abt it) of the population z young.......
si if i am a comapny i would like to target only d youth.....
more over advertising is not a single tool for marketing.....
rather itz a part of d marketing....
n d add of ril comm for its phone was not a boaring one....
at dat time d trend and culture was like dat.... where d emotion was given more importsnce.....
n advertisings creative strategy is to convey d actual message to the ultimate end user who can relate himself/herself to that product.
n on thing to add now d preference for the super value star has changed... into COMMON MAN...pls bear with me if i am rude....
dear... if u wanna say smthing pls go through d trend.....
d trend has changed ...
ok u hv written a good one....
i m nt a blogger if i hv said anything wrong pls bear me...
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