Monday, September 21, 2009

Oh..i forgot his birth day

Deepak: Stalin, you did not wish me on my birthday
Stalin : Oh, i am so sorry. Your birthday just went right.
Deepak: Anyways you forgot. That's the truth
Stalin : Why you removed your birth day stauts from Orkut
Deepak: I was just checking who were wishing without knowing it from Orkut, but i was expecting your call.
Stalin : I am really sorry. Belated happy birthday.

This is a part of my conversation with my friend Deepak two days after his birth day. No body can deny the fact that we are used to web,internet and social networking sites now a days. I can even say that we are totally dependent on internet. Previously we have to remember so many things , but now no need. On social networking sites friend's,relatives birth day keep coming and we simply by watching that wish them. But if someone will hide his/her birth day status, then we will not be able to wish him/her. There comes the problem. The person who may be expecting your wish will definitely feel bad. Because emotion plays a very crucial role in every human's life. Unintentionally we will keep hurting our beloved persons. What can i term this fault of human or technology?


Kunal said...

What was the last time we left our room without our mobile phone!?

What was the last time we spent an entire day without checking our emails?

what was the last time we had a "real" conversation with out loved ones!

There are many such questions one can ask him/herself and get into an introspection mode without getting any answer. The worst part is, we don't feel guilty of losing out on our human touch today. We feel "illiterate" if we do not have the knowledge of the latest social networking site.

Most of us have 200+ friends on Orkut and Facebook. BUt how many will come to us when we need. If someone doesn't poke us on Facebook or send an Application request for a long time, we ignore him 'cos he's ain't a friend of us anymore. This is the reality of our life today.

I have altered the definition of Friends as - A contact whom you prominently see on your social networking profile list. That's it. There ain't no real friends no more. Many of you might disagree, but think of the time you last forgot everything else - your cell, smses, mails, and just sat down and let your heart out to a person.

We have become skeptical of humans. We find solace in playing farmville. We get the kick by playing Mafia wars. But we do not have the time to remember our friends' birthdays. Technology empowers us to gain knowledge, but imprisons us in it's claws.

Nice post Stalin. Keep it up.

Unknown said...

well the fault doesn't falls on anyone... rather i would say, its just about how much we really care for others.... there are many peope who doesn't care to wish even they see it on the updates, just because they are acquaintances and some so called friends... some do wish... some do remember...
Well to make it very simple, its the amount we care about others really matters... taking out time from the busy lives and remembering your loved ones is what makes someone's day...
that small gesture drives us to new heights...
last but not the least to err is humane.... so there is no blame game... i know u do care and thats more than enough for me...