Friday, March 6, 2009

Let's save cricket !

"Our future as a nation is in our youngsters' hands. Sport helps to make good human beings. If the sport is not there, the children can do silly things."This was the statement of Younis Khan,captain,Pakistan cricket team,after the cricket community started denying to play in Pakistan. He pledged the world not to let die cricket in Pakistan. It really make sense to me. We all are familiar with the barbaric act of terrorism. Terror strikes hurt more number of people indirectly rather than directly. Latest attack on Srilankan players was the worst thing that can happen to any sports and sportsperson in the world. Now world cricket community is banning the Pakistan soil.But is it the solution to this perennial problem? Tomorrow the same thing can happen with any country,to any sports. what can we do? Should we keep banning all soils which will be affected by terrorism. Should we leave playing the sports? And by doing this the only thing we can prove is that we are handicapped,nothing else. Rather it is the call of the hour to uproot the prime cause.It is the time to give them an answer. Sport helps to make good human beings. If the sport is not there, the children can do silly things. We have to be very careful about that. Nobody wants to see children going down a bad path and finding themselves involved with bombs and things like that. We all must do something to stop that happening. So join hands to fight against terrorism and save cricket.

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