Saturday, April 4, 2009

" Jai Ho" for The congress !!!

The Congress is ecstatic about "Jai Ho" the Oscar winning song by AR Rehman from the movie Slumdog Millionaire. With an eye of using it in its central election campaign for the 2009 polls, the Congress party has bought the rights of Jai Ho from T-Series for an undisclosed sum of money. Ignitee digital solution has created the video using the song jai ho showcasing the footage of computer revolution, Chandrayan, women empowerment and many policies implemented during the Congress regime. The video is considered as the most viewd video on orkut for the last month, having nearly 35,000 viewership. As general Election is nearing fast it is not just congress but all parties are opting for the digital and online media for campaigning. Political campaigns and advertisings were very much there,but this time they have metamorphed into a bigger scale. Every party is eyeing the 40 million online voter base. Youth generation is the voter base who spend maximum time on internet and online campaigning is the best way to reach them, because every vote counts. Digital media is the best way to reach maximum numbers of voters of different ages, races and communities. It is a very accountable medium which facilitates pin pointed targeted messaging with zero wastage. So if you are finding political party's election campaigns on social networking sites like orkut,facebook,myspace and metacafe, then it is nothing astray. INDIA IS SHINING !!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

My point of view.
Instead of wasting lakhs of rupees on buying the copyright of 'Jai Ho' song by congress & then by BJP & also by some other state level parties, If the political parties and the government whould have done really something for the nation and the poor people then it would have done greater benifit to the society.
And do these political parties think that playing a song is enough to win votes from the public?