Tuesday, January 5, 2010

It's all about you, I will tell you why !

I do not know what new year brings exactly and why people get so excited to celebrate it, but one thing i am quite sure that we promise ourselves too much on that day and really start up new things with great enthusiasm. Who does not make New Year Resolution and i am no exception. Wait! Here i should mention what my dad said me once on this NY resolution," Its like a birth day,goes with one day."

Why i am saying this? We all agree that wisdom can come from anyone. While discussing about "resolution" with one of my friend i got a very true essence. She told that to take resolution you don't have to wait till new year. If you feel like doing something which is good for you and society then why to wait till new year, why not today? I took a pause and thought. Yes who is stopping us, everyday is a new beginning for us. Nice thought.

But i don't buy one concept of her. That's what motivated me to write this. She told she would like to change herself ( if she finds something wrong in her ). It's all about you and the way you look at yourself. I may sound chauvinistic but i will tell you why ! You have to love and respect yourself as you are. And most of the time we are ignorant about our hindrances. So bury it. Add positive qualities and attitudes to life. That's the way we should be.

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