Tuesday, April 27, 2010

It's storm but it will pass

Can IPL sustain the blow and emerge out with flying colours is a common question that is troubling legions of cricket fans not only in India but also around the world. A chaos existing from last few days is gripping the whole nation over the future of one of the most successful sports league in world which is evaluated to be $4.13 in 2010. But when i look at the issue, i find more positives than negatives in this league. Let put aside all the allegations and controversies and think on our feet, the benefits of IPl. The foremost thing which comes into my mind is the development of infrastructure for sports in our country. Better Stadiums, sitting facilities, playing conditions have improved. New avenues have been staged e.g. Dharamsala and Barbati. Domestic players are getting a chance to play cricket at top level which is very necessary when India is looking forward to be the cricketing superpower. Think of the Brands involved with IPL and the job opportunities it is creating-i will say it is enormous. So i strongly feel IPL is a brand to reckon and it will grow bigger and better with time only. That is what the new interim chief of IPL Mr Chirayu Amin said when asked about the future of IPL. He quoted " it will be bigger, better and transparent next year." BCCI played a big game again when they appointed Chirayu Amin , owner of "Alembic" a pharma giant in India as interim chief of Indian Premier League which is battling allegations of money laundering, benami holdings in franchisees and tax evasions hanky-panky.

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